Davco Sanitized Coloured Grout Eco CFG 2 Kg
Product Details
Davco Sanitized® Coloured Grout ECO (CFG) is an environmentally friendly, premium grade, cementitious tile grout that is approved by the Eco-labelling authority in Singapore as a sustainable building material.
Davco Sanitized® Coloured Grout ECO (CFG) is designed for use in most type of ceramic tile and natural stone applications. It is specially formulated as a single part waterproofed tile grout for ease of use and produced with specially selected Portland cements, graded aggregate and high quality imported pigments for greater durability.
Davco Sanitized® Coloured Grout ECO (CFG) has excellent resistance to a broad spectrum of fungal, algae and bacteriological degradation as well as good stain, water and chemical resistant properties.
Available in wide range of colours to fill joints between tiles and stones.
Use unsanded for joints between 1 – 4mm. Use sanded for joint above 4mm.
Used in intended hygienic conditions such as hospitals, kitchens, food preparation areas.
Used in wet areas like swimming pools and spas.
Used in general applications of superior performance, eg.external walkways and trafficable areas.
Pigments within the grout are evenly and totally dispersed.
Colourfast and ultra-violet (U.V) resistant.
Reduces water absorption through tile joints.
Improve stain and oil resistant